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Want to increase website visibility? Part 2: Link building through traditional offline marketing and PR materials

In my last posting, Want to increase website visibility? Try optimizing communications, I explained that fresh content, which is strategically crafted so it can be found by the search engines and your target audience, can improve your web presence and rankings.  So, hopefully you have started adding fresh content by optimizing your offline marketing and PR tools – newsletters, press releases and articles – and posting them to your website.  Now you need to start building those coveted backlinks that the search engines love so much.

The link benefits of optimized online press releases. By posting your optimized press release to your own website you are generating fresh content.  Great.  Now submit that release to an online news release wire service, which will distribute it to news services as well as many trade and industry websites.  Those sites will index your release.  Many other sites may pick it up and post it on their site.  Visitors to those sites may then post it to their own sites.  And so on.  And so on.  Voila.  You have just created countless backlinks with just one release. Those links, however, do not stay forever.  So you need to continually create and submit new releases.  Remember, fresh content and backlinks are key.

Publish on the world wide web. Have you written any articles?  If yes, submit them to article directories including a link back to your site.  If no, get writing!  Articles can not only position you as an industry leader, they can also lead prospects to your website door.

Remember, optimizing communications is a continual process.  Follow this simple concept and you will see results.

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