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Bad SEO Practices Include Too Much SEO

Does your website have too much SEO?  If you don’t know, you better find out.

The head of Google’s Webspam Team, Matt Cutts, recently announced that Google is updating its algorithm to target sites that have too much SEO.  Supposedly this is Google’s attempt to level the playing field among the people who have been overly doing SEO and the people who have been making great content and trying to create a fantastic site.

So what are the bad SEO practices that are now considered too much SEO?

According to Cutts, Google is targeting abuse – too many keywords on the page, exchanging way too many links, going beyond what a normal person would expect.  Just how much SEO is too much is yet to be seen, but there are some telltale signs when it has been overly done.  Are you flooding your page with repetitive keywords that do not flow naturally with your content? What type of backlinks are you developing? Are they relevant? Are they from credible sites? Have you jammed your meta tags unnecessarily with keywords?    If you don’t know the answers to these questions, ask your  SEO professional.  Make sure you receive comprehensive, rather than just yes or no, answers so that you can effectively resolve any possible issues.

When will this new algorithm change roll out?

Cutts revealed that Google currently has several engineers working on this.  They hope to release this change in the coming weeks, so you best review your site as soon as possible.

You can listen to the live interview, which is full of other great SEO information, at:

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